Reelcraft Hose Reels
Maximum Temperature - 150ºF (65ºC). /Asset/a4375.jpg
Maximum Temperature - 150ºF (65ºC). /Asset/a4384.jpg
Cable not included. /Asset/a4395.jpg
If cable reels are to be used for extended periods of time, unwind all cable from reel to prevent heat build-up. For indoor non weather-tight applications only.
Hand crank rewind. /Asset/a4396.jpg
Series 40 large frame reels offer dimensional flexibility. Specify height, width and depth dimensions to fit your space requirements. Custom configurations will be quickly built to your specs. Contact customer service for details on Reelcraft’s full range of Series 40 reels. /Asset/a4398.jpg

Series RT Medium Duty Spring Retractable Hose Reels
(24) Series RT is an economical choice for a medium duty, lighter weight, spring-driven hose reel for applications that are less demanding, yet require a product that can withstand industrial and commercial use. The industrial-grade drive spring is protected from the environment in a composite spool for longer service life. Guide arm adjusts to seven positions.Maximum Temperature - 150ºF (65ºC). /Asset/a4375.jpg

Series 4000/5000/5005 Premium Duty Spring Retractable Hose Reels
(28) Series 4000, 5000 & 5005 reels are durable and compact for a wide range of applications with critical space requirements. A full flow shaft and swivel assures maximum product delivery. The Series 5005 reel can handle hose lengths up to 50 feet. Reels are all-steel construction and compact for different applications. Guide arm adjusts to two positions. Consult Reelcraft for other products and hoses. /Asset/a4381.jpg
Series 7000 Heavy Duty Spring Retractable Hose Reels
(12) Reelcraft's popular Series 7000 is ideal for the most demanding industrial and commercial applications. The reel's base and guide arms are formed from high-grade steel and engineered with structural forms and gussets to yield the greatest amount of strength. The Series 7000 incorporates an all steel construction and a baked-on powder coat finish to produce a rugged corrosion resistant product suitable for a wide variety of heavy duty applications. /Asset/a4382.jpg
Series DP5000/DP7000/80000 Heavy Duty Dual Pedestal Hose Reels
(48) Reelcraft’s new compact DP5000 and DP7000 series features our innovative interlocking base design, which makes the base assembly especially strong and resistant to vibration. The base and guide arm on all dual pedestal reels is structurally reinforced. /Asset/a4383.jpg
Series D8000 & D9000 Ultimate Duty Vehicle-Mount Hose Reels
(14) The ultra duty aluminum cast base and arm of the Series D8000 offers the highest rigidity among this class of hose reels. D8000 guide arms are field-adjustable for floor, wall, ceiling, pit and truck mounting. Series D9000 reels offer the greatest amount of stability for high volume air or water. Fuel and petroleum models are listed below and ideal for portable service trucks, permanent service or plant work areas. The durable baked-on, powder-coat finish provides a high quality ultra-violet radiation (sunlight), weather and chip-resistant finish that will stay bright through years of use.Maximum Temperature - 150ºF (65ºC). /Asset/a4384.jpg

Series G Static Discharge & Grounding Hose Reels
(4) Static discharge reels are used to ground equipment operating in hazardous atmospheres, such as fuel trucks or carts transferring flammable materials. When properly clamped to ground, the static discharge reel dissipates static electrical buildup, reduces chances of sparking and the potential for explosion. /Asset/a4385.jpg
Series F7000/FD9000/F80000/FD80000 Fuel Delivery Hose Reels
(12) Reelcraft's spring retractable fuel delivery reels, equipped with Viton® seals, incorporate metal forms to insure the greatest possible strength and are ideal for mobile applications. These rugged, corrosion-resistant reels are suitable for a wide variety of fuel applications. All models listed are supplied with our ball-bearing style swivel. /Asset/a4386.jpg
Series CU & CT Light Duty Hand Crank Hose Reels
(6) Designed for lighter-duty applications that require longer lengths of low pressure air/water hose (Series CU) or high pressure wash hose (Series CT). Hose not included. /Asset/a4387.jpg
Series H & 30000 Medium & Heavy Duty Hose Reels for Long Hose Lengths
(12) For applications requiring long lengths of hose. Series H is for medium duty use and Series 30000 is for heavy duty use. Series 30000 reels feature vibration-proof, self-locking fasteners and are ideal for industrial or field use. /Asset/a4388.jpg
Series 30000/H18006/PW Heavy Duty Pressure Wash Hose Reels
(6) Compact design and quality steel construction are incorporated into Reelcraft’s newest line of pressure wash reels. The Series H18006 and PW reels are able to carry 100 to 300 feet of hose and are complete with a high pressure swivel for maximum product delivery. The swivel is designed to handle a broad range of pressures, temperatures and chemicals. /Asset/a4389.jpg
Series 5000 Potable (Drinking Water) and Pre-Rinse Hose Reels
(5) Reelcraft’s potable (drinking) water reels feature a full-flow stainless steel shaft and PVC swivel and convenient fast hook-up and disconnect. Pre-rinse reels are crafted for use in commercial establishments such as restaurants and institutions. A standard lever-operated spray valve is included. /Asset/a4390.jpg
Series S Air/Water/Chemical Delivery Hose Reels
(7) The Series S reel is economical, lighter weight and easy to handle. Its technical design and materials meet the demands of a medium-duty industrial grade reel for continuous, trouble free operation. Made of corrosion-proof, tough polypropylene, extensive tests have shown it to be highly resistant to the vast majority of acids, alkalis and UV rays. Wall or floor mount. /Asset/a4391.jpg
Stainless Steel Series Corrosion-Resistant Hose Reels
(7) Stainless steel hose reels are ideal for food processing, pre-rinse, wash down, chemical transfer and industrial solvent handling. Also suitable for coastal, offshore and on-board ship in marine applications where the harsh environment of salt water spray requires the use of stainless steel hose reels. Swivels include Viton® O-rings. /Asset/a4392.jpg
Series TW/BA Gas Welding Hose Reels
(10) Series TW and BA have an independent dual swivel body manufactured from aluminum and hard coated for wear resistance. This unique design assures positive separation of gases. Double-sealed, special molded O-rings prevent leakage. Swivel body and inlet are both permanently identified with machined grooves on the acetylene side to assure proper installation. /Asset/a4393.jpg
Safe-T Reel Series Gas Welding Hose Reels
(3) Safe-T-Reels feature a high rigidity due to a one inch shaft with tapered roller bearings. These reels are compact and flexible and made of non-conductive materials. /Asset/a4394.jpg
Series WC & CEA Cable Welding Hose Reels
(2) Series CEA and WC are designed to increase the safety in the work area with a resulting increase in efficiency and productivity. Welding cable reels store work lead or electrode lead, up to #2/0, safely and effectively when not in use. They have a continuous current path through a live 400 AMP, 90VDC (maximum) rated enclosed slip ring.Cable not included. /Asset/a4395.jpg

Safe-T Reel Series Cable Welding Hose Reels
(5) Safe-T-Reels are ideal for applications where space, weight and flexibility are key. These reels are designed for manual winding of welding cables. Safe-T-Reels offer trouble-free management of large capacities of cable. Suitable for outdoor use.Caution:
If cable reels are to be used for extended periods of time, unwind all cable from reel to prevent heat build-up. For indoor non weather-tight applications only.
Hand crank rewind. /Asset/a4396.jpg

Series TH Dual Hydraulic Spring Retractable Hose Reels
(10) Reelcraft's hydraulic reels are used for medium pressure dual hydraulic hose applications and are ideal for operating hydraulic cylinders, tools and equipment. Reelcraft's Series TH reels incorporate contemporary engineering and manufacturing techniques for trouble-free performance. Reels are all steel construction and compact for applications with critical space requirements. /Asset/a4397.jpg
Series 40 Modular Large Frame Hose Reels
1" to 1 1/2" ID; Lengths to 350'Series 40 large frame reels offer dimensional flexibility. Specify height, width and depth dimensions to fit your space requirements. Custom configurations will be quickly built to your specs. Contact customer service for details on Reelcraft’s full range of Series 40 reels. /Asset/a4398.jpg