2000 Braided Packing/Flexible Graphite Tape
Style 2000 packing is manufactured from high purity flexible graphite that is expanded and formed into a braidable yarn and then braided without binders or wire reinforcement. The finished product retains all the inherent benefits of flexible graphite: heat resistance, chemical inertness, low friction, self lubrication, and ready conformability.
The outstanding properties of this style make it a truly multi-service packing capable of a wide variety of uses throughout a plant. This style may be used in valves, pumps, expansion joints, mixers and agitators in the hostile environments of hydrocarbon processing, pulp and paper, power generation, metal-working and other industries where effective sealing is vital.
Temperature limits:
Minimum: -400°F (-240°C)
Maximum: 840°F (450°C)
Steam: 1200°F (650°C)
Pressure limits:
Rotating: 435 psi (30 bar)
Reciprocating: 1450 psi (100 bar)
Static: 4351 psi (300 bar)
Shaft Speed: 5904 fpm (30 m/s)
pH: 0-14 (except strong oxidizers)
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2000IC Braided Packing/Flexible Graphite, Wire Reinforced
Style 2000IC packing is manufactured from high purity flexible graphite that is expanded and formed into a weave-able yarn and then braided in a unique construction with wire reinforcement. The finished product retains all the inherent benefits of flexible graphite; while the wire reinforcement provides greater mechanical strength.
Style 2000IC packing is particularly suited for use in high temperature, high pressure steam service. In addition, it can also handle most chemicals, acids and alkalis. This style is excellent for use in steam turbines, high temperature moto-actuated valves and for high pressure/high temperature valve applications in general.
Temperature limits:
Minimum: -400°F (-240°C)
Maximum: 840°F (450°C)
Steam: 1200°F (650°C)
Pressure limits:
Static: 5800 psi (400 bar)
Shaft Speed: 200 fpm (1 m/s)
pH: 0-14 (except strong oxidizers)
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2001 Braided Packing/Graphite Yarn, Graphite Filled
Style 2001 packing is a rugged premium grade, low friction, high strength, proprietary graphite fiber, twisted together and interlock braided. This style contains a special lubricant to provide a bearing film, and protect shafts from scoring. It also acts as a blocking agent to prevent wicking.
Style 2001 packing is ideally suited for use in severe service valves and rotary shaft applications. It handles strong acids and alkali solutions except fuming nitric acid, oleum and fluorine. It can be used to seal steam, water, oil, solvents, alkalis, and acids. It is often used as end rings for packing sets utilizing softer packings that might tend to extrude. This style also handles high temperatures, extremely high shaft speeds (see Service Limits below), most strong chemicals, and reduces shaft wear.
Temperature limits:
Minimum: -400°F (-240°C)
Maximum: 840°F (450°C)
Steam: 1200°F (650°C)
Pressure limits:
Rotating: 435 psi (30 bar)
Reciprocating: 1450 psi (100 bar)
Static: 4350 psi (300 bar)
Shaft Speed: 4000 fpm (20 m/s)
pH: 0-14 (except strong oxidizers)
2002 Braided Packing/Carbon Yarn, Graphite Filled
Style 2002 packing is manufactured from pure carbon yarn, which is interlock braided and impregnated with proprietary lubricants and graphite particles which fill voids, block leakage, and act as break-in lubricant. The end product has a low coefficient of friction and tends to wear more evenly than most braided packings.
Style 2002 handles water, steam, boiler feed, and aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis. In service, it seats quickly and does not require extensive break-in adjustments. This style is commonly used for high speed pumps, blowers, dryers, high temperature valves, and furnace gasketing.
Temperature limits:
Minimum: -400°F (-240°C)
Maximum: In air: 840°F (450°C)
In steam: 1200°F (650°C)
Pressure limits:
Rotating: 365 psi (25 bar)
Reciprocating: 1450 psi (100 bar)
Static: 4350 psi (300 bar)
Shaft Speed: 4000 fpm (20 m/s)
pH: 0-14 (except strong oxidizers)
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2103t Braided Packing/Carbon Yarn, PTFE Impregnated
Style 2103t packing is an interlock braid of carbon fibers which are carefully impregnated with PTFE and a special lubricant. The resulting packing is very tough, resists wear, has excellent chemical resistance and prevents contamination.
Style 2103t packing can handle chemicals over the entire 0-14 pH range except for strong oxidizers. It is very popular in the pulp and paper industry because it is especially designed for applications involving strong caustics, acids, bleaches, slurries, and services where contamination cannot be tolerated. This style is commonly used in valves and pumps, agitators, reactors, and autoclaves.
Temperature limits:
Minimum: -328°F (-200°C)
Maximum: 536°F (280°C)
Pressure limits:
Rotating: 362.6 psi (25 bar)
Static: 2900 psi (200 bar)
Shaft Speed: 3000 fpm (15 m/s)
pH: 0-14 (except strong oxidizers)
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2202 Braided Packing/Flexible Graphite, Carbon Corners
Style 2202 packing is diagonally braided from pure, expanded flexible graphite, reinforced at the corners and throughout with high-quality carbon fibers. The carbon fiber reinforcement in the corners and body of the packing make it three times more resistant to extrusion and also increase the pressure handling capabilities compared to non-reinforced flexible graphite packing.
Style 2202 This extremely versatile packing can be used in many demanding applications, both dynamic and static. This style packing is particularly suited for high temperature and high pressure serivce in valves, pumps, expansion joints, mixers, and agitators. It can handle most chemicals in the 0-14 pH range with the exception of strong oxidizers.
Temperature limits:
Minimum: -400°F (-240°C)
Maximum: 842°F (450°C)
Steam: 1200°F (650°C)
Pressure limits:
Rotating: 435 psi (30 bar)
Reciprocating: 2900 psi (200 bar)
Valve: 4350 psi (300 bar)
Shaft Speed: 4000 fpm (20 m/s)
pH: 0-14 (except strong oxidizers)
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2214 High Temp, Non-Asbestos, Valve Stem Packing
Style 2214 is a proprietary braid-over-core construction, using a special hgh temperature, Inconel reinforced fiber and a non-hardening core. The packing is impregnated with a high temperature resistant compound, and coated with fine particles of graphite to act as a surface lubricant. This style is also treated with a sacrificial material to alleviate electrolytic action.
Style 2214 is a firm, high density, non-asbestos packing. It can handle steam, most chemicals, mild acids, and alkalies. It is excellent for use in steam turbines, high temperature motor-actuated slide valves, and in high pressure/high temperature valving in general.
Temperature limits:
Minimum: --
Maximum: 1200°F (650°C)
Pressure limits:
Rotating: --
Reciprocating: --
Static: 2500 psi (170 bar)
Shaft Speed: 2500 fpm
pH: 2-12
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2236 Flexible Graphite with Inconel Wire, Low Emission
Style 2236 valve packing is self-lubricating, non-hardening, dimensionally stable and resistant to gases and fluids as well as heat, pressure and chemicals. Its high temperature flexible graphite and Iconel filament jacket afford mechanical stability, while the advanced construction provides leakage control and high integrity in steam service.
Due to its physical properties and ability to minimize friction, Style 2236 is ideal for valves and can be used within a broad range of applications. Key features inclue: certified low-leakage packing technology, TA-Luft approved, suitable to VOC and VHAP emissions regulations, environment friendly valve stem packing with supreme emissions control
Temperature limits:
Minimum: -400°F (-240°C)
Maximum: 850°F (455°C)
Steam: 1250°F (675°C)
Pressure limits:
Static: 6500 psi (450 bar)
pH: 0-14 (except strong oxidizers)