Aeroquip Crimp/ Swage Hydraulic Fittings
100R5-style crimp fittings from Eaton complement the company's industry recognized, reusable fitting line. Aeroquip 100R5 fittings are a low-cost, lightweight alternative for high-volume applications that do not require field-assembled fittings. Unique crimping dies are required for assembly. 100R5 crimp fittings have been designed and tested for use with 1503, FC234, FC300, FC350, FC355 hose styles.

Global Crimp Male Pipe (MP) Fittings
Aeroquip global crimp fittings male pipe (MP) configurations include global nipples, global outside the cover (OTC), global thru the cover (TTC) and TTC12 high pressure fittings. /Asset/Global Crimp Male Pipe Fitting.jpg
Global Crimp Female Pipe Swivel (PF) Fittings
Aeroquip global crimp fittings female pipe swivel (PF) configurations include global nipples, global outside the cover (OTC) and global thru the cover (TTC) fittings. /Asset/TTC Female Pipe Swivel Fitting.jpg
Global Crimp Male Pipe Swivel (PS)
Aeroquip global crimp male pipe swivel (PS) hydraulic fittings are available for TTC and OTC hose applications. /Asset/TTC Male Pipe Swivel Fitting.jpg
Global Crimp Female JIC/SAE 37º Swivel (FJ)
Aeroquip Female JIC/SAE 37º Swivel (FJ) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4FJ4, 1AA8FJ8, 1AA12FJ12, 1AA16FJ12, 1BA16FJ16 and 1BA24FJ20 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Global Crimp Female JIC.jpg
Global Crimp Female JIC/SAE 37º Swivel 45º Elbow (FJA)
Aeroquip Female JIC/SAE 37º Swivel 45º Elbow (FJA) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4FJA4, 1AA8FJA8, 1AA12FJA12, 1AA16FJA16, 1BA16FJA16 and 1BA24FJA24 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Global Crimp Female JIC 45º Elbow.jpg
Global Crimp Female JIC/SAE 37º Swivel 90º Elbow (FJB)
Aeroquip Female JIC/SAE 37º Swivel 90º Elbow (FJB) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4FJB4, 1AA8FJB8, 1AA12FJB12, 1AA16FJB16, 1BA16FJB16 and 1BA24FJB24 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Global Crimp Female JIC 90º Elbow.jpg
Global Crimp Female JIC/SAE 37º Swivel 90º Long Drop Elbow (FJC)
Aeroquip Female JIC/SAE 37º Swivel 90º Long Drop Elbow (FJC) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4FJC4, 1AA8FJC8, 1AA12FJC12, 1AA16FJC16, 1BA16FJC16 and 1BA20FJC20 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/TTC Female JIC 90º Long Drop.jpg
Global Crimp Male JIC/SAE 37º (MJ)
Aeroquip Male JIC/SAE 37º (MJ) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4MJ4, 1AA8MJ8, 1AA12MJ12, 1AA16MJ16, 1BA16MJ16 and 1BA20MJ20 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/TTC Male JIC Fitting.jpg.jpg)
Global Crimp Female SAE 45º Swivel (FS)
Aeroquip Female SAE 45º Swivel (FS) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4FS4, 1AA8FS8, 1AA12FS12, 1BA4FS6 and 1BA12FS12 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Female SAE 45o Swivel (FS).jpg.jpg)
Global Crimp Male Boss O-Ring (MB)
Aeroquip Male Boss O-Ring (MB) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4MB4, 1AA8MB8, 1AA12MB12, 1BA6MB6 and 1BA20MB20 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Male Boss O-Ring (MB).jpg.jpg)
Global Crimp Female ORS Swivel (FR)
Aeroquip Female ORS Swivel (FR) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4FR4, 1AA8FR8, 1AA12FR12, 1BA6FR6 and 1BA20FR20 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Female ORS Swivel (FR).jpg.jpg)
Global Crimp Female ORS Swivel 45º Elbow (FRA)
Aeroquip Female ORS Swivel 45º Elbow (FRA) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4FRA4, 1AA8FRA8, 1AA12FRA12, 1BA6FRA6 and 1BA20FRA20 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Female ORS Swivel 45o Elbow (FRA).jpg.jpg)
Global Crimp Female ORS Swivel 90º Short Drop Elbow (FRB)
Aeroquip Female ORS Swivel 90º Short Drop Elbow (FRB) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4FRB4, 1AA8FRB8, 1AA12FRB12, 1BA6FRB6 and 1BA20FRB20 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Female ORS Swivel 90o Elbow (FRB).jpg.jpg)
Global Crimp Female ORS Swivel 90º Long Drop Elbow (FRC)
Aeroquip Female ORS Swivel 90º Long Drop Elbow (FRC) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4FRC4, 1AA8FRC8, 1AA12FRC12, 1BA6FRC6 and 1BA20FRC20 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Female ORS Swivel 90o Long Drop Elbow (FRC).jpg.jpg)
Global Crimp Male ORS (MR)
Aeroquip Male ORS (MR) fittings are available in TTC, TTC12 and OTC applications. Fittings within this category include; 1AA4MR4, 1AA8MR8, 1AA12MR12, 1BA6MR6 and 1BA16MR12 and many others. Please browse the variety of fittings available and contact us by e-mail, fax or phone with any questions. /Asset/Male ORS (MR).jpg
SAE Code 61 Split Flange 45° Elbow (FLA)
Code 61 Flange Fittings /Asset/Code-61-Split-Flange-FLA.jpg
Global Spiral TTC Fittings
Global Spiral TTC fittings for use with Aeroquip Hydraulic Hose: FC254, FC273, FC273B, FC606, FC606B, GH466 and GH506. 1E fittings for use on 4-wire construction and 1Z fittings for use on 6-wire construction. Please consult Customer Service at or contact us at 1-800-876-5340 to discuss your application and requirements. /Asset/1Z20FH20.jpg
100R5 Crimp Fittings
100R5 Crimp Fittings100R5-style crimp fittings from Eaton complement the company's industry recognized, reusable fitting line. Aeroquip 100R5 fittings are a low-cost, lightweight alternative for high-volume applications that do not require field-assembled fittings. Unique crimping dies are required for assembly. 100R5 crimp fittings have been designed and tested for use with 1503, FC234, FC300, FC350, FC355 hose styles.
- Hydraulics handling petroleum-base fluids
- Air brake
- Oil Cooler
- Diesel Fuel
- Designed as a one-piece fitting
- Lighter in weight than 100R5 reusable fittings
- Available in sizes -4 to -32
- DOT-Approved for air brake aplications
- One-piece design simplifies ordering and inventory
- Cost reduction compared to 100R5 reusable fittings
- Fast and easy to assemble

Spiral Single Skive Crimp Fittings
(5) Spiral Single Skive Fittings for use with hose: FC736 (-06 thru -20), FC136 (-06 thru -32), FC254 (-20, -24), FC323 (-12, -16, -20, -24), FC324 (-12, -16), GH493 (-06 thru -32). /Asset/spiral single skive crimp fittings.jpg
Internal Skive Crimp Fittings
Internal Skive Fittings for use with hose: FC316 (-16 thru -32), FC254, FC323, FC324 (-12, -16 only), FC736 (-16, -20 only) /Asset/Int. Skive Crimp Fittings.jpg
100R7 Swage and Crimp Fittings
100R7 Polyon Crimp & Swage Fittings for use with hose: FC372, FC373, FC374, FC375, FC690. /Asset/Polyon swage fitting.jpg
PTFE Crimp Fittings
PTFE Crimp Fittings for use with hose: 2807, FC186, FC465, FC645. /Asset/PTFE Crimp Fittings.jpg