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4S Fittings
For use with hose:
EC525-12,-16,-20,-24,-32; GH493-12,-16,-20,-24,-32;
FC636-12,-16,-20,-24,-32; FC736-12,-16,-20,-24,-32; 
FC500-12,-16,-20,-24; FC273B-12,-16;
GH506-12,-16,-20,-24,-32; FC254-12,-16,-24,-32;

6S Fittings
For use with hose:
FC500-32; FC273B-20,-24,32; FC606-16,20,-24;
EC810-20,-24,-32; GH466-20,-24
Unit of Measure


Terminal End


Hose Size



1 7/16-12 in

Dim. - A

4.72 in

Dim.- D

3.30 inches

Dim .- EØ

0.56 in

Dim.- H

1.10 inches

Dim.- Hex(1)

1 5/8 inches