Hose for Material Handling, Dust & Fume Control
The Master-Pur Series of hose including the durable Master-Pur Step FG and Master TPR L a versatile multipurpose hose for a wide range of process and applications are available in this section. Additionally, Series ARH, UFD-AP, CVD-AP and 333 Insulation Blowing hoses are also available and described within this section. Please call us at toll free 1-800-876-5340 or e-mail us at mail@dunhamrubber.com with questions regarding your specific application. /Asset/Master-PUR-SL-F-EC.jpg
Dunham Rubber works with a wide range of industries all around the world helping solve the toughest of application requirements. Please contact Customer Service at 800-876-5340 or e-mail us at mail@dunhamrubber.com to discuss your particular requirements. /Asset/Master-Clip-Viton-web.jpg

General Purpose Hose and Ducting
General Purpose duct and hose consists of products made from PVC materials and double or single ply cotton and neoprene materials. Material handling and blower hose for light duty conveying of dust, woodchip and grass clippings. PA-EX Series hose for higher temperature applications and TD-S series hose which is excellent for applications where the hose is regularly dragged around from place to place. R Series hose for air, fume, dust and light duty material handling applications. Please contact customer service toll free 1-800-876-5340 or e-mail us at mail@dunhamrubber.com to discuss your particular application requirements. /Asset/R-3 Flexadux PV.jpg
Suction, Transport & Material Handling Hose
Plastic hoses and duct are used in a tremendous range of industrial applications; from dust collection, fume control, pellets and scrap transfer, leaf and woodchip collection, insulation blowing applications are just a sampling of some of the applications where plastic hoses are suitable.The Master-Pur Series of hose including the durable Master-Pur Step FG and Master TPR L a versatile multipurpose hose for a wide range of process and applications are available in this section. Additionally, Series ARH, UFD-AP, CVD-AP and 333 Insulation Blowing hoses are also available and described within this section. Please call us at toll free 1-800-876-5340 or e-mail us at mail@dunhamrubber.com with questions regarding your specific application. /Asset/Master-PUR-SL-F-EC.jpg

Medium & High Temperature Hose
Dunham Rubber offers a wide range of hoses and ducting capable of handling medium to higher temperature applications. This includes vehicle and engine construction applications, chemical plants, exhaust fume equipment, granule dryers, agressive media extraction, suction plants, paint spray extraction, aircraft and defense industry applications, see Master-Clip CAR for diesel engine fume exhaustion, U-lok 1500 for service up to 1500ºF for furnace construction.Dunham Rubber works with a wide range of industries all around the world helping solve the toughest of application requirements. Please contact Customer Service at 800-876-5340 or e-mail us at mail@dunhamrubber.com to discuss your particular requirements. /Asset/Master-Clip-Viton-web.jpg

Gas & Fume Exhaust Hoses
Dunham Rubber offers a wide range of products for gas and fume removal and extraction. Options are available to cover a wide range of applications in a variety of operating conditions. For example the Carflex line of products is ideal for extraction of engine exhaust gases with temperatures that range up to 570ºF. This product is ideal for overhead hose reel applications in service garage environments or in slotted channels abovefloor or underfloor suction extraction operations. These systems draw harmful fumes and gasses out of the working environment, promoting worker safety. Other products in this section are designed for us in the ship building industry, furnace construction applications, infrared-dryer plants, iron and steel works, weld fume extraction and bulk handling technology appliacations. Please browse this section of products and contact Dunham Rubber at 800-876-5340 or via e-mail at mail@dunhamrubber.com to discuss your application requirements. /Asset/Carflex-Super-web.jpg
Suction & Blower Hoses for Air-Conditioning, Ventilation & Welding Fumes
Items within this section include utility blower hose and large volume air conditioning/ventilation hoses. Additionally, hoses for suction plants, tent heating, weld fume extraction and low pressure applications are also available within this section. Many varieties of material construction and end finishes are available including sewn ends, funnel cuff, belt loop and pull tab, enclosed belted cuff and more. Please call cutomer service at 1-800-876-5340 to discuss your specific application. /Asset/Master-Clip-Spark-web.jpg
Ducting Clamps & Accessories
(2)- Ducting bridge clamps and connectors are available accessories for most ducting applications. Please browse inside this category and contact us at 800-876-5340 with questions.