Holedall External Swage Ferrules
Due to differences in dimensions and tolerances for safety reasons, do not use other manufacturer's stems or ferrules with Dixon Holedall products.
Safety Alert: Boss couplings and the steam quick disconnects are the only Dixon couplers recommended for steam service /Asset/Ext-Swage-Notched-NOS.jpg
Due to differences in dimensions and tolerances for safety reasons, do not use other manufacturer's stems or ferrules with Dixon Holedall products. /Asset/Notched NOS Ferrule.jpg

External Swage Ferrules
(126) The selection of ferrules is very important to achieve the proper coupling-to-hose assembly.Features:
- Ferrules are plated carbon steel
- Style F ferrules are used with all standard length male stems
- Style FL ferrules are extra long and are used with all long style stems

Holedall II External Swage Ferrules
(4) For use with Royal-Flex™ thin wall hose. These specially designed carbon steel ferrules have serrations on the outside and should be used with stem styles TM, TP and TG stems. /Asset/Holedall-II-ferrule.jpg
Stainless External Swage Ferrules
(7) Light duty 304 stainless ferrules for use with standard length stems such as the TMR series. Consult Dixon for die recommendations. /Asset/stainless-external-swage-fe.jpg
External Swage Notched NOS Stems
(8) Features:- The largest advantage of the notched design is that the coupling can be removed from a damaged hose by cutting away the ferrule, without necessarily damaging the fitting. After inspection of the fitting to determine its suitability for reuse, it can be reinstalled into another hose by using a new ferrule.
- The notched system allows you to better manage your inventories. You can stock one stem and two ferrules, and cover the same hose range with less inventory. You must purchase a fitting and the matching ferrule to create an assembly.
- For hose outside diameters of 2 4/64" and below, the couplings are crimp only.
- For hose outside diameters of 2 5/64" and above, the couplings can be crimped or swaged.
Due to differences in dimensions and tolerances for safety reasons, do not use other manufacturer's stems or ferrules with Dixon Holedall products.
Safety Alert: Boss couplings and the steam quick disconnects are the only Dixon couplers recommended for steam service /Asset/Ext-Swage-Notched-NOS.jpg

External Swage Notched NOS Ferrules
(14) Features:- The largest advantage of the notched design is that the coupling can be removed from a damaged hose by cutting away the ferrule, without necessarily damaging the fitting. After inspection of the fitting to determine its suitability for reuse, it can be reinstalled into another hose by using a new ferrule.
- The notched system allows you to better manage your inventories. You can stock one stem and two ferrules, and cover the same hose range with less inventory. You must purchase a fitting and the matching ferrule to create an assembly.
- For hose outside diameters of 2 4/64" and the couplings are crimp only.
- For hose outside diameters of 2 5/64" and the couplings can be crimped or swaged.
Due to differences in dimensions and tolerances for safety reasons, do not use other manufacturer's stems or ferrules with Dixon Holedall products. /Asset/Notched NOS Ferrule.jpg