Clamp Adapters
Safety Alert: Boss couplings and the steam quick disconnects are the only Dixon couplers recommended for steam service /Asset/tygon-hose-adapter.jpg
Safety Alert: Boss couplings and the steam quick disconnects are the only Dixon couplers recommended for steam service /Asset/rubber-hose-adapter.jpg
Safety Alert: Boss couplings and the steam quick disconnects are the only Dixon couplers recommended for steam service /Asset/brewery-hose-barb-adapter.jpg

Tygon Hose Adapters
(7) Use of PVC tubing requires special techniques to prevent leakage. All assembly work must be done with heated tube. Cold durometer is 90 as opposed to rubber hose at 65 to 70 durometer. Banding buckles must be at 180º from one another.Safety Alert: Boss couplings and the steam quick disconnects are the only Dixon couplers recommended for steam service /Asset/tygon-hose-adapter.jpg

Rubber Hose Adapters
(35) Use of PVC tubing requires special techniques to prevent leakage. All assembly work must be done with heated tube. Cold durometer is 90 as opposed to rubber hose at 65 to 70 durometer. Banding buckles must be at 180º from one another.Safety Alert: Boss couplings and the steam quick disconnects are the only Dixon couplers recommended for steam service /Asset/rubber-hose-adapter.jpg

304 Brewery Hose Barb Adapters
(6) Features:- Suitable for use with band clamps
Safety Alert: Boss couplings and the steam quick disconnects are the only Dixon couplers recommended for steam service /Asset/brewery-hose-barb-adapter.jpg