
PVC - White CXC
(2) Ideal belts for conveying or elevating flour, sugar, or other bulk food materials requiring FDA white belting. Low stretch, high bolt-holding ability. SOR compound is not affected by grain oils. /Asset/PVC WHITE C X C BELT.jpg
PVC - White CXFS
This PVC belt offers the highest service yield and is the best value for most food processing uses. It features a smooth, easy-clean cover of PVC compounds. FDA accepted. /Asset/PVC WHITE C X FS BELT.jpg
PVC - 100 White Roughtop X FS
This rough-textured non-skid surface enables packages, boxes, cases and other products to be conveyed on incline or decline. Best resistance to oils, greases, water, chemicals, abuse and stretch. FDA accepted. /Asset/PVC 100 WHITE ROUGHTOP X FS BELT.jpg
PVC - 100 White Chevron Top II X FS
The herringbone pattern of alternating rows of solid PVC chevrons forms a cover highly capable of moving bulk, free-flowing materials such as grains, food stuffs, feeds, and fertilizers up steep inclines. Made of PVC with friction surface, this belt is resistant to mineral oil. FDA accepted. /Asset/PVC 100 WHITE CHEVON TOP II X FS.jpg
PVC - 120 White Crescent Top II X FS
Scoop crescent shape is ideal for incline conveying, as well as creating a multitude of tiny "buckets" for moving wet materials. The versatile pattern can also be reversed to drain a product while conveying on the incline. Unique pattern is self cleaning, and since the crescents overlap, there is constant contact with return rolls, virtually eliminating bumping and thumping. FDA accepted. /Asset/PVC 120 WHITE CRESCENT TOP II X FS.jpg