
High Heat Resistant - 400°
(4) "High Heat Resistant" is a premium grade belt featuring compounds specially formulated to withstand temperatures to 400°F. It offers maximum resistance to the deteriorating effects of severe heat encountered in many applications such as in cement plants and foundries; also tough and abrasion resistant. /Asset/HIGH HEAT RESISTANT - 400 BELT.jpg
Super Oil Resistant - Hot Asphalt
(2) "Super Oil Resistant" is specially compounded for applications requiring moderate to very high oil resistance such as hot asphalt, foundries, oily grains, machine oils, and oil treated coal.These belts have the same high-qualtiy fabric characteristics as “Standard.” /Asset/SUPER OIL RESISTANT - HOT ASPHALT BELT.jpg
2 Ply Standard Black Heavy Duty - High Abrasion Resistant
(7) "Standard" is compounded to provide excellent abrasion resistance and flex life and is the best buy for the majority of conveyor belt applications. Its high-tension synthetic fabrics result in minimum stretch, full resistance to mildew and rot, greatest fastener holding ability and impact resistance and highest adhesion between plies and covers. /Asset/2 PLY STANDARD BLACK HEAVY DUTY BELT.jpg
3 Ply Standard Black Heavy Duty - High Abrasion Resistant
(6) These belts feature the same compounds and fabric as the 2 ply belts above, but offer an additional ply to provide extra strength and impact resistance. The 3 Ply 600 ¼ x 1/16 is used primarily on high-tension conveyors and elevators with long centers or in abusive situations. /Asset/3 PLY STANDARD BLACK HEAVY DUTY BELT.jpg
4 Ply Standard Black Heavy Duty - High Abrasion Resistant
(2) Same fabric and compounds as 2 and 3 ply heavy duty belts, but 4 ply construction offers high strength and impact resistance. Used often on high tension conveyors with long centers, or in applications involving abusive conditions. /Asset/4 PLY STANDARD BLACK HEAVY DUTY BELT.jpg
2 and 3 Ply Moderate Oil Resistant
(7) Combines excellent abrasion resistance and long flex life with moderate oil resisting properties. Ideal belt for conveying oily grains and wood chips. /Asset/2 AND 3 PLY MODERATE OIL RESISTANT BELT.jpg
2 Ply Flame Resistant-SBR
Designed for mining applications where fire resistance is required. Meets the requirements of power plants where oil resistance is not required. Carries the FR designation for flameresistance. /Asset/2 PLY FLAME RESISTANT-SBR BELT.jpg
2 and 3 Ply FR Oil Resistant-Static Conductive
(4) Specially compounded for the oily effects of grain, this belt is also static conductive. Carries the FR designation for flame resistance. Designed for grain conveyors and elevators wherestatic charges must be held to a minimum. SOR compound, resistant to vegetable oil sprays, is available in 2 Ply 220 1/16 x 1/16 FR/SC/SOR, 3 Ply 330 3/64 x 3/64 FR/SC/SOR, and 3 Ply 600 1/16 x 1/16 FR/SC/SOR. /Asset/2 AND 3 PLY FR OIL RESISTANT-STATIC CONDUCTIVE BELT.jpg
3 Ply Cover x Bare
(2) Belts designed for light to medium-duty applications where no oil or wood turpines are present. Ideal for use on slider bed conveyors. /Asset/3 PLY COVER X BARE BELT.jpg